our Services & training


Why is GMP important?

Good manufacturing practices (GMP) are important in order to produce safe food. The food
business has a legal and moral responsibility to produce and prepare food that will not harm the
consumer. There can be a high cost to the food business if it does not implement adequate
Good manufacturing practices (GMP). All staff should be trained in the food businesses GMP procedures.

What Is WHMIS?

WHMIS is a short form for Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System. It is a national
system for providing information on the safe use of hazardous products in the workplace.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Points)

The first step to effective HACCP is determining potential food safety hazards and identifying
preventative measures. Food safety hazards may include biological chemicals or anything else
which can make the food product unsafe for human consumption. This is the discovery stage
where a plan is created to facilitate the identification of any harmful bacteria.


Personal harassment is any unsolicited, unwelcome, disrespectful, or offensive behavior with an underlying sexual, bigoted, ethnic, or racial connotation.

Payroll Management

Manage payroll, and pay related services.

Workforce Solutions

We have a team of staffing professionals who know your area and can help you build your business.

Quality Assurance

Our specialized in-house team makes sure the candidate you get is able to work the jobs you are hiring for.

Head Hunting

Finding the best fit for your company at a price that suits your needs.